- What do we mean by the word technology?
- What are the effects of technology?
- What is our responsibility regarding the use of technology?
- How do different people feel about technology?

Final Reflections
How did you feel doing your presentation?
On the start I was nervous but then when it started I felt confident.
What new skills did you learn during the exhibition?
What I learned was a lot as my exhibition was done online so I had a lot to learn through technology and use my own Ideas.
What was the most enjoyable part of the exhibition?
The most enjoyable part of the exhibition was when Ivan And I went to Arusha for the interview for 1 hour and the next 2 hours we were playing and eating pizza.
What was the most challenging part of my exhibition?
The most challenging part of the exhibition was, when the school closed due to Covid 19 and we had to continue on our exhibition alone and online and had a lot to prepare for.
Would you do anything differently if you could turn back time?
Yes, I surely would, as I really wanted this exhibition to take place at school, with my teachers and partners, then having a face to face exhibition with parents and guests.
Did you learn anything new about yourself?
Yes, I did. I never thought I had the ability to use my own Ideas and have the confidence of performing my exhibition online to a lot of people. I feel proud that I got an opportunity to know what I can do.
Anything else important to share?
I would really like to appreciate my teachers who stood by me and guided me through this PYP exhibition thank you. I couldn’t have done it without your support.
Anna Marsden said, Dear Malveer, You are completely correct, the future of the Earth must involve green energies and electric cars. I am very impressed at how through your presentation you have managed to get more people interested in electric cars. I hope that, by the time you are driving, electric vehicles will be the norm!
Sandra Mills said, Well done Malveer, you did some really interesting research and and demonstrated good interview skills. I am interested now in the future of electric cars in Tanzania.
Dara Marsh said, It is cool how you like cars.
Bob Cofer said, Good work here. I think you should continue to look at technology and keep interested in electric cars and renewable energy for Tanzania.
Yvonne Carson said, I liked your presentation, Malveer. You have even got me interested in Electric cars. They are the way forward to a cleaner environment which will be of benefit to everyone. Great Presentation!
Ms. Jaime said, Great job!
Deborah Mills said, Malveer that was great. You have worked hard and you have produced an informative and well researched presentation. It’s not easy to stay motivated when you’re working by yourself but you took that challenge in your stride. I wondered what kind of action you would take and then one evening I opened my email and there was your advert about green energy and electric cars– we shared that through the school newsletter so maybe you have persuaded other people to consider buying an electric car in the future. You should be very proud of yourself for all of the effort you have put into your Exhibition – Ms. Catherine and I are certainly very proud of you.
Kacey Buckley said, Malveer- job well done! I was very impressed by your exhibition. I loved the advertisement that you created- I could definitely see a career in that field for your future. It’s exciting that you could tell so many people about the cool work that Hanspaul is doing with their electric cars. Great work!!
Ben Morley said, Huge congratulations, Malveer. It was wonderful to celebrate your learning with you and hear all about your findings. I know that technology has certainly been a huge help for all of us recently but your presentation made me think about maintaining a balance. The electric car was super cool too! Well done.
Zitha said, Excellent job, Malveer. I hope you create your own electric racing car in the future. Thumbs up for a great presentation
Grace Yohane said, Congratulations, Malveer, for the big effort you put into your wonderful performance. Well done