Tanya’s live presentation is above.
Here you will find her pre-recorded presentation:
- What are the causes of air pollution?
- What are the effects of air pollution?
- What is our responsibility towards our environment?

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Final Reflections
After Presenting my Exhibition I felt really proud and relieved, proud because I finally presented my Exhibition and relieved because I can finally relax without stressing about my exhibition.
There are many challenges when you do your exhibition and mine is:
∙ When Covid-19 hit I couldn’t visit places and I couldn’t go to school and talk to my buddy.
∙ Researching, because sometimes I couldn’t find the information that I needed and when I looked at one website the other website was different.
I have learnt a new skill and that is learning how to make and put up a QR code. If I could change anything in the past I think with the questions people asked I could have talked deeper in the questions instead of a couple of questions.
I have learned that I really care about the environment and I want people to save the earth so then we can all live a healthy life. After doing all my Exhibition I cannot choose my favourite part. I have to say the whole Journey is my favourite bit.
Raman said, Congratulations Tanya. your presentation was outstanding. very confident and clear
Ian said, Hi Tanya
you were wonderful on you presentation and reminded all of us how important mother nature is
linda julius said, great Tanya. thank you for reminding us about our environment, you deliver a great message to us. good work, congratulation
zitha said, Hi, Tanya. Your presentation was super, clear and very educative. All the best on your way to MYP
Bob Cofer said, Congratulations on the presentation. It was wonderful to see you do it live. There are a lot of hard questions in this area and I think you did an excellent job in looking at these.
Anna Marsden said, This was wonderful to watch Tanya, well done. It is great that you have joined the voices of young people around the world to keep us all aware of our responsibilities to our planet. What do you think should be the first change we should make on campus?
kaisaar said, Tanya your presention was very nice and i learned a lot from it:penguin::bear:
Ben Morley said, Congratulations on a wonderful live presentation…what a risk taker! You evidently worked very hard throughout the PYPX process and I hope you are feeling as proud as we all are. Well done!
Rosie Plater said, Hi Tanya
your presentation was brilliant it was really interesting to find out about the air pollution you did great!
William Melhado said, Tanya, it is so great to see how passionate you are about climate justice and a cleaner future for generations to come. Your presentation informed me what is already happening in our community to reduce air pollution. What do you think are the best solutions to minimize air pollution here in Moshi?
Ms. Catherine Shayo said, Tanya you were so great! You perform in a very professional way, so confident and well organized. Congratulations!
Deborah Mills said, Tanya, you were wonderful! What a risk taker you are to do a live presentation and it worked so well. You were clear and confident – it was a professional performance. I love your art project. It is very eye catching and draws attention to your message. As I said on the day, you are well organised, motivated and independent. You will be a big success in the MYP.