- What are the reasons that children live on the street?
- What are the challenges faced by street children?
- What is our responsibility towards street children?

Final Reflections
I think I am pretty proud of how I’ve done my exhibition. I have included many things to raise awareness for the street children topic. I could have done a little bit better in the exhibition though. During the song I had a hiccup and I felt very awkward, and maybe I could have done some more action. I think I could have done better. I really enjoyed going to Amani to help the children and learn about them. One of the most interesting things that I’ve learned is that girls on streets get kidnapped or taken as domestic household help. If I could have gone back on time I would have visited Amani more before Corona came in. Corona has really blocked my action which really made it hard for me to do the exhibition really successful. I felt so embarrassed when the song played. It really was disturbing for me to watch… furthermore I still felt pretty proud. Thank you!
Anna Marsden said, Dear Julian, I loved your poem and your song. It takes courage to sing in front of others and even more courage to sing a cappella, well done. You obviously feel great compassion for the street children of Moshi and this presentation allowed your caring nature to shine through. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.
Margaret Brunt said, Congratulations Julian. You did an amazing presentation. Your song and poem were great.
Good luck in your new school.
Deborah Mills said, Julian, what a terrific presentation. I like your commitment and the fact that you didn’t let an attack of the hiccups get in the way of you continuing to present! I know you enjoyed having Milcah as your partner when we were in school but you very confidently carried by yourself and worked in a very organized, enthusiastic manner at home. You are a very creative boy and I loved your song and your poem. I was impressed by the empathy you showed to street children and the challenges they face. You thought of your own action and had the confidence to take yourself off to Mr. Cofer’s office and negotiate for some t-shirts on behalf of the children at Amani. You have been a superb student this year in P6 and you will be a big success at your new school in the Netherlands.
Coen said, :heart_eyes:Wow julian!! Your presentation clearly reflects who you truly are: passionate, daring, creative, caring and full of empathy and compassion. Please don’t ever change we love you so much!!
Coen said, Wow julian!! Your presentation clearly reflects who you truly are: passionate, daring, creative, caring and full of empathy and compassion. Please don’t ever change we love you so much!!
Amber hilhorst said, Wow, Julian! wat een geweldige presentatie over streetchildren. we hebben er veel van geleerd! weet jij of er ook straatkinderen in Singapore zijn? groetjes, scarlett, jackie en philippa.
Patricia Sipman said, Big congratulations Julian! I really enjoyed your presentation. It shows your passion and your creativity (and a lot of hard work). Congratulations again to a job well done, you should be feeling very proud!
Silvia Vlaskamp said, Congratulations Julian! What an excellent speaker and singer you are
! And a very interesting and important subject. Well done. Truly enjoyed your presentation.
Eunice said, Julian you did a wonderful job from start to finish. your song was out of this world! congrats.
Grace Yohane said, Well done Julian you were amazing on your presentation . you did such a wonderful job with alot of effort great job
Baba Townes said, Julian, I enjoyed your presentation very much – it took guts and creativity to create a presentation that uniquely reflected your gifts, interests and talents! Job well done!
Ben Morley said, Massive congratulations, Julian. I really enjoyed your presentation. Your passion, effort and hard work really shone through. The song was a genuine highlight and testament to your unique, personal connection with the subject matter. I hope you are feeling very proud and enjoy reading all the comments here. Richly deserved.
Caroline Schraa said, Lieve Julian,
Wat een topprestatie zet jij hier neer!! Ik ben heel erg onder de indruk van je presentatievaardigheden. Het is een prachtig geheel geworden met een sterk begin, een boeiend midden en een gedurfd en gepassioneerd einde! Je bent een kanjer Juul, van harte gefeliciteerd met een fantastische afsluiting van P6.
zitha said, Wow, Julian you were amazing in your presentation. Keep up the good work. All the best in your new school.
Ms. Catherine Shayo said, Dear Julian, You were brilliant and amazing in your presentation. You were creative and knowledgeable. Congratulations.
Karen Laurian said, We love to see it! Your choice of topic shows that you are indeed a very caring and loving young man! Your presentation reflects dedication and excitement, I enjoyed watching it. Great work Julian!:blush:
Karen Weber said, My dear Julian! What an amazing presentation! You are so passionate about this topic You have worked so hard over the past weeks.. Even though sometimes the amount of tasks you wanted to complete overwhelmed you. I am so proud of you!
Thea said, Dear Julian, what a great presentation! I am very much impressed. Loved the song! Great job.
Salma said, Excellent and a very well done job to you Julian!
I am so impressed with your great work. Congrats again.
Thanks also for your kindness and the Tshirts donation you have brought to Amani children. You are one in a million!
with much love from all the Amani children!
keep it up,
Hans Weber said, Dear Julian, I just finished looking at your exhibition about street children and I must say that I am very much impressed.
I think you did a wonderful effort and I am a very proud grandfather!
Bob Cofer said, Great work today. You showed a lot of initiative and drive in your work. It seems you had fun as well.