Tanzanian Tribes

Townes has been inquiring into Tanzanian tribes. His Central Idea is “Where We Live Shapes Our Identity.” Townes will be answering the following questions:
  • What are the features of tribal life?
  • What are the challenges faced by tribes?
  • What is our responsibility toward the different tribal groups?
Maasai Trip to Monduli:

Final Reflections

In the beginning of the exhibition, I had very different ideas about what I would do for my exhibition. I knew from the start that my topic would be on the tribes of Tanzania, mainly the Hadza. But my ideas on action changed greatly. In February, I wanted to somehow find a way to help the Hadzabe. By the end, I had changed my mind and decided to try to figure out what we could learn from the Hadza.

I have learned many skills during the PYPX. Some of these skills were to do with technology. After a week of making a slide show I learned about many more advanced techniques on Google Slides. For example:
Cropping images, Animation, Placing background images. I also learned a lot about how to produce a video. For my action, my dad and I made a video about what we can learn from the Hadzabe people. Our examples were squatting for rest instead of sitting or lying down, knowledge transfer (or learning things directly from experts near you), and healthy microbiomes.

I posted this video onto YouTube. Here’s the link:

